- NO SW1520

Set NO SW1520

Set uključuje sve potrebne elemente za sveobuhvatnu vježbu na otvorenom. Može ga istodobno koristiti i do 20 osoba. Zahvaljujući uputama koje daje Street Workout KG ovaj set je robustan i perfektan u svakom pogledu. Idealan je za sportske kampove i ljetovališta.
Gimnastički prsteni - podignuta konstrukcija dozvoljava korištenje prstena u potpunosti. Noseći elementi su široko razmaknuti tako da ste u mogučnosti izvoditi cijeli raspon vježbi.
Visoke prečke - 4 razmaknute šipke dopuštaju vježbu čak i do 8 korisnika istovremeno. Visina idealna čak i za visoke sudionike.
Dvije klupe: ravna i nagnuta pod kutom 35 °. Raspon vježbi mišića struka i leđnih mišića.
Zid za stoj na rukama.
„Vatrogasna šipka“ omogućuje punu evoluciju zbog sigurne udaljenosti od nosivih stupova.
Šipke dopuštaju vježbanje nekoliko ljudi u isto vrijeme. Također se mogu koristiti za skakanje.
Rukohvati su izrađeni od čeličnih cijevi: 48,3 mm, zaštićeni galvaniziranjem i premazani prahom.
Gimnastički prstenovi izrađeni su od čeličnih cijevi na lancima.
Manji elementi su izrađeni od okrugle, savijene cijevi promjera 33,7 mm debljine 2,9 mm.
Nosivi elementi fiksirani su u tlo na dubinu od 80 cm.


Set NO SW1520

Set includes all the required elements for a comprehensive Street Workout training. It can be used at the same time by up to 20 people. Thanks to hints given by Street Workout KG this set is robust and perfect in every detail. It is ideal for big sport resorts and also for holiday camps.
Gymnastic rings - lifted up construction fully allowes to use the rings. Posts are widely spaced, so you are able to do a full range of exercises.
High Bars - 4 spaced bars allow to exercise even up to 8 users at the same time. Height ideal for even tall participants.
Two benches: straight and inclined at 35°. Full range of exercises of the waist muscles and back muscles.
Wall for handstanding.
„Pole dance” and „Human flag” enables full evolution because of a safe distance from bearing posts.
Bars allow to exercise a couple of people at the same time. They can also be used for jumping.
Handrails made of steel pipes: 48,3 mm, protected by galvanizing and powder coating.
Gymnastic rings made of steel pipes mounted on chains.
Smaller elements are made from round, bended pipe with diameter 33,7 mm thickness 2,9 mm.
All steel columns are powder coated, noncorrosive. Bearing posts are built from square profiles 90x90mm.
Crossbars are made from steel pipes with dimensions 42,4x2,9mm. They are protected against corrosion by electrolitic galvanizing.
Bearing posts are fixed in the ground at a depth of 80 cm.